As an OmLTC-certified supervisor I carry out individual supervisions of professional practice via Zoom, working in a resource-, goal- and solution-oriented manner. 36 hours of supervision are required.
The objectives of the supervision of the professional practice are adapted to the growing skills and enable the supervised:
- to perceive, as a whole, the client, his entourage and himself in the practical complementary therapeutic situation and to evaluate these perceptions
- to evaluate and extend their concept of Complementary Therapy
- to perceive in a differentiated way its own contribution and the contribution of third parties to the relationship and comparison with customers and reference persons from the sector professional and to assess their actions in the variety of systemic links.
Contents and topics of supervision
Supervision includes:
- a targeted assessment of professional performance with reference to skills and identity as a Complementary Therapist based on the TC Professional Profile and the fundamentals of the TC
- the evaluation of one's own personality and of the role/professional activity as a Complementary Therapist
- the further development of professional, methodical, personal and social competences
- increasing the identity of the role, professionalism and self-management.
Supervision deals with everyday professional matters, concrete interview and treatment situations or aspects of the management of the clinic and the organization such as:
- case study
- role of Complementary Therapist
- professional identity
- communication, interaction, conflicts
- use of the method.
Price: 1h Fr. 130.—
Obtaining the OmL TC Sectoral Certificate
Aid for writing the essay for the equivalence procedure for obtaining the OmL TC Sectoral Certificate
1h: Fr. 130.-
Group supervision via Zoom
From 3 people, price adjustable to the number of participants.
Interested in supervision? Let's get in touch!
Fill out the form below with your details and requests: I will answer you as soon as possible. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required, thank you.